Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Hot or Cold

So, I was talking to my friend at work the other day about Makarios. I did not send support letters to coworkers, because I did not think that would be appropriate, and I would feel like I was putting people in an awkward position by asking them to "commit to praying" for me if they do not feel led to prayer in general.

My friend said he probably would not pray for me, because he didn't think my God would listen to him. Obviously, I disagreed with that. But, he went on to explain: the reason he would not pray for me is that he thinks if you are going to pray, you should believe in the God you pray to, and you should be genuine about it. He doesn't think people should "half-ass" something like that. We both acknowledged that people who are simply going through the motions are kidding themselves.

I could not agree more.

I told him that I think he has a better view of prayer than so many Christians. So many of us just go through the motions because we feel it's the right thing to do. Do I pray constantly
knowing that I will be answered, or are some requests born out of repetition or duty? I know that I am guilty of writing some things off as being too far gone. Is anything too far beyond God's power? I think not.

My friend at work reminded me of un amor de mi vida. She always says that she hates lukewarm lives. Be all in, or all out. Don't sit on the fence. It's pointless to go through the motions of something without being passionate about it. So many unexpected little lessons learned...

1 comment:

Ramin said...

I'm not too sure about prayer Katy, but according to T.I. "You can have whatever you like!"